Within our Health & Safety team, we have the expertise to offer the following services:
Principal Designer (PD) (CDM2015)
Principal Designer Advisor (PDA) – advising appointed PDs on discharging their duties. This includes support for designers and contractors.
Client Advisor (CDMA) (CDM2015)
Design Risk Advisor (Safety in Design compliance for international projects)
Site Inspections and Auditing
CDM CPD Sessions
Within our Building Safety team, we have the expertise to offer the following services:
Principal Designer (Appointed directly to the role by the client – Building Regulations)
Principal Designer Advisor (Supporting appointed Principal Designers – Architects, designers, contractors etc)
Client Advisor (Supporting clients to fulfil their requirements and provide reassurance)
Principal Contractor Support (Supporting the Principal Contractor with compliance reassurance – Inspections/design & build etc)
Site inspections and audits (As required by scope – HRB’s)
Building Regulations Advisor (Providing general advice on compliance – architects/developers / contractors etc)
Defined HRB (Higher Risk Building) Gateway Application support (The Building Regulations Compliance Statement etc)